Friday, August 27, 2010

Blog The First: A Snarky and Unadulterated Introduction

This blog is not going to be about he mindless ravings of some pretentious moron, and most certainly not about the pathetic life of the fat person that I am, but rather, as the title has promised, a snarky and unadulterated view on the Anime world and the subculture it has generated.
That's right; I'm talking about cosplay, Anime nerds in general, EGL/Lolita's, even Steampunk/Cyberpunk and such to a certain degree.

Now, I'm known around the interwebz and IRL for being honest and blunt to the point of cruelty.
While I myself am an anime nerd of merciless degree, I rather enjoy snarking on other people, particularly the ones who view themselves as the epitome of perfection.
This does not, however, mean that this is going to be another /drama/ rant copy and pasted from /cgl/, but there are so many wonderful and juicy resources to draw on from there.

So sit back, relax, and let me be your Sei Shonnagan on this fabulous and wonderfully dramatic adventure.

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